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If your doctor told you that getting pregnant with PCOS was impossible, you were wrong. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a complex condition that affects fertility, but its main cause is a hormonal imbalance.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is characterized by: irregular, excessive or absent menstrual period, lack of ovulation, poor quality eggs and sometimes miscarriage. There are other symptoms that do not directly affect fertility, but are a sign that hormones are out of balance. These include: high blood sugar, adult acne, excess body and facial hair, excessive hair loss, and obesity with a more masculine body shape.

Most women have high levels of estrogen and progesterone, but women with PCOS also have high levels of androgens. Androgens are male hormones and do not have an important role in the menstrual cycle or female fertility. Excess androgens provide an unhealthy environment for egg formation and can prevent menstruation and ovulation from occurring regularly.

Most medical treatments focus on the oral contraceptive pill, increasing the dose to restore the hormonal balance between progesterone and estrogen. There are side effects associated with birth control pills and they are not recommended for women who want to conceive, because their main function is to stop conception.

The natural approach offers a way to get pregnant with PCOS, while improving your overall health. The first step is to improve your weight loss diet and increase your intake of fresh organic whole foods and avoid foods with a high glycemic index. You can take herbal remedies to boost your weight loss, such as “Wulong-Oolong tea” or carb blockers such as “Crave-Ex”.

The upcoming detox is important, so you’ll need to avoid the usual chemicals that make your condition worse. These are nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, and refined sugar. There are also body cleanses you can do that can speed up your detoxification rate, balance your hormones, and improve your fertility.

There are herbs that help ovarian cysts and help balance hormones and stimulate ovulation. I have been using “CystClear” for about 18 months in my clinic and am getting very good results. My clients with PCOS have started menstruating more regularly, have lost weight, have regained their feminine figures, and some have already become pregnant.

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