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The simple solution to losing your “saddlebags” could be in the opposite direction from where you have been looking. Discover the secret to melting those thighs forever without having to live in the gym.

What are “saddlebags” you might be wondering about and why are they so hard to get rid of? Genetically, we all have predetermined fat storage areas. Men tend to have excess fat in the lower abdomen and for women it is usually the hips and thighs. Saddlebags are nothing more than a place where your body stores excess fat tissue.

Since genetics play such an important role, you may feel stuck with that extra hip pad for good. What if I told you that the solution is available to you? Although you can’t change your genetic makeup, you can definitely lean towards those saddlebags by employing a few simple strategies.

First, let’s get rid of the myth that you have to work your own hips to bend outward. The fact is, while hip and outer thigh exercises are important, you will never see a drop in pants size unless your primary goal is fat loss.

“Spot reduction” is a myth that has been around for years. Unfortunately, you cannot burn fat from specific areas of your body. You can’t do 1000 sit-ups a day to get a flat stomach or banish your “Oprah arms” by working your arms endlessly. In fact, this can tone and strengthen the muscles underneath the fat layer, but you will never see a visual difference unless you can reduce your total body fat percentage.

The thing about your genetics is that you can’t control where the fat is burned first or last. All you can do is burn as much fat as possible. If you were to lose 3-5% of your total body fat when the only excess fat you were carrying was on your thighs, you would definitely notice a visible change. However, don’t be alarmed if you notice your arms, back, and abs become more defined before your hips begin to pull.

Now if you Google “Best Fat Loss Methods” you will find 1,100,000 results. That can be very confusing. Where do you start? You want to feel good about your body, be confident in a bikini, feel proportionate, but the idea of ​​spending 7 hours in the gym a week sounds terrible. You like your morning wine, cheese, and lattes and don’t want to give them up either. One fat loss method tells you to eat cookies all day, another to drink salt water with lemon, and another tells you to eat more to weigh less. I’m already exhausted from just thinking about all those options.

Here are 5 simple tricks so you can say goodbye to your “saddlebags” forever without having to employ any crazy diet strategy and without having to train for a marathon.

1) Eliminate 250 calories from your diet every day. This could be as simple as skipping an evening snack, having a breakfast smoothie instead of a muffin, or eliminating the mochaccino in the morning. Being deficient of 250 calories a day could mean losing half a pound a week.

2) Burn 250 calories a day. This can be easily accomplished by walking to and from work and taking the stairs every day. Or you can try doing a 20 minute cardio workout or 30 minute circuit training. Combining this with step 1, you could end up losing 1 pound per week.

3) Strength training 2 days a week. An increase in lean body tissue (muscle) will boost your metabolism. Not only will your muscles look more toned and defined, but you’ll also burn extra calories a day even when you’re resting.

4) Drink 2 liters of water a day. The more water you drink, the less you retain. Many times we tend to retain water in the same areas where we have excess fat. By drinking 2 liters of water a day, you will retain less water in those problem areas and will also keep your skin hydrated.

5) Watch your alcohol consumption. I cannot stress this point enough. Many people are taking all the necessary steps for total fat loss, but they forget how many calories are in alcohol. One social function a week that involves excess alcohol can ruin all your hard work at the gym. Be in moderation and if you must drink, try to avoid beer and wine as they are extremely high in calories. 2 glasses of wine and your 30 minute run will go out the window.

Remember that fat loss can be simplified by choosing to make small healthy choices throughout the day. These small changes can add up and make you feel better about your body, feel more confident, and in the long run help you achieve your goals.

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