
Empowering change empowering Tech

Much attention has been paid to the type of person who sees others as an extension of himself. In this case, someone will not believe that other people have their own thoughts, feelings and interests and are therefore individuals.

It will be as if other people have nothing inside of them and are simply there to fulfill their needs. What this will mean is that one will believe that he has the right to treat them as he wants to treat them.

A function

After all, as far as they are concerned, other people’s sole reason for existence is to satisfy their needs; nothing more and nothing less. So, in the same way that one would not need to ask anyone’s permission to use his own car, for example, he would not need to ask someone else’s permission if he wants something from them.

All they will have to do is take what they want from someone, and this may mean using them or it could mean simply using something that belongs to them. One will also see himself as the center of the universe, which will make him demand a lot of attention.

All eyes on them

So you have to be the center of attention, no matter where you are or what’s going on. They might have a tendency to speak over others and speak louder than others.

Nor will it be acceptable for someone else to have their own life or do things without it. What will be acceptable is for the people in your life to focus their attention on them and make them a part of everything they do.

an energy vampire

One way of looking at this would be to say that someone like this will steal energy from the people around them. The energy they take will end up being used to keep their ego inflated.

They are not going to be on the same level as other people; no, they will be superior beings. By being special or different, it will give them the right to behave how they want and take what they want.

a false me

Someone like this might have a borderline range of emotions, and can usually only experience emotions that are aligned with their sense of superiority. If their view of themselves is challenged in any way or if another person doesn’t respond the way they want them to, they could end up being consumed by anger.

This is likely a defense against feeling rejected, helpless, powerless, and useless, among other things. Therefore, as long as people do what they want and can receive positive feedback, this side should not come to light.

The other side

What is also talked about, although not as often, is the type of person who usually kills people like that. The person above focuses on his own needs and does not care about the needs of other people; while this person does not care about his own needs and only cares about the needs of others.

So their main concern will be to do what they can to meet other people’s needs, overlooking their own. In fact, because they focus on other people’s needs, they may not even be aware of their own needs.


Then one can seem as if one is very happy to do what one can to meet other people’s needs. Acting as if they are simply an extension of others will be part of who they are.

Neglecting their own needs will be what they feel comfortable with, and this will most likely prevent them from realizing that they are being taken advantage of. Therefore, when someone treats them as if they are simply an extension of themselves, they will not stand out.

a strong attraction

If someone treated them differently and focused on their needs, they probably wouldn’t feel good. However, when someone ignores your needs and expects you to focus on your own needs, that’s probably what feels right.

And, what could also be found is that if they ended up in a room full of people, they would most likely be attracted to someone who would ignore their needs. What this will show is that they will have been attracted to someone who is an energetic partner.

a closer look

What is clear is that you lack limits, you do not value yourself and you do not feel comfortable with your own needs. Deep down, they may not even realize that they are an individual, as opposed to an extension of others.

Along with this, they may feel that they are inherently worthless, believing that their needs are not important. Taking all this into account, then one is the perfect candidate for someone who is happy to use others.

back in time

What this probably shows is that you didn’t get the kind of care you needed during your early years. This would have stopped them from being able to develop a strong sense of self.

Perhaps they were raised by a caretaker who saw them as an extension of themselves, which would have caused one to look more like a caretaker than a child who needed certain things in order to grow and develop. As a result of being treated this way, it would have prevented them from developing boundaries, disconnected them from their needs, and made them believe that their needs were something to be ashamed of.


If one can relate to this and wants to change their life, they may need to seek outside support. This can be done with the help of a therapist or healer.

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