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What do you expect from the word of God? Your expectation is a function of what you know and understand of God’s word. And the word of God gives you what you expect from it; because your hope will not be cut off. Therefore, increase your expectation of God’s word to increase what it delivers to you.

Because there certainly is an end; and your hope will not be cut off – Proverbs 23:18 (KJV).

My son, pay attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Don’t let them stray from your eyes; keep them in the middle of your heart; because they are life to those who find them, and medicine to their whole body; Proverbs 4:20-22 (NKJV).


There is much to be gained by being saved, but they are subject to your expectations in the word. However, many believing Christians are suffering and destroying themselves due to ignorance of what the Word offers them. However, the word of God is the life of a believer, because you live by the word. So, every believer should soak up the word of God and expect the Lord to confirm his word in his life in order to benefit from it.

Why you should increase your expectation in the Word of God

1. You are born and you stay by the word

Everything in this world, including you, was made by the word of God. And the Lord sustains his creation with the word of his power. So if you want to trade at the maximum you must breathe and eat the word. This is because your spirit, soul, and body will grow and respond to their fullest when you give them what they’re made of; while any other intake will cause them to malfunction.

2. The word of God is God.

The scriptures say that the word of God is God and that in God we live and move and have our being. This means that in the word of God, we live and move and have our being. As such, you cannot do without the word of the Lord, if you want to function well.

3. There is power in the word of God

God is powerful and so is his word. Therefore, what the Lord can do, his word can also do. Because the word of the Lord is alive and powerful, and able to penetrate your spirit, soul and body, and can discern your thoughts and the intentions of your heart. So nothing in your life is hidden from the Word, and it can attend to all the issues in your life. Surrender yourself, then, to her, for she is life to those who find her, and medicine to all their flesh.

Increase your expectation in the Word of God

Therefore, study the word of the Lord, to learn more about God and His word. This will increase your expectation (hope) of his word. And as the scripture says, your hope will not be cut off. Also, building your hope will give your faith something to work on, because faith is the certainty of what is expected. This means that when you increase your expectations, you increase the number of things you expect God’s word to do in your life. As such, you increase your results, testimonials in life.

Exercise your faith in the Word

Faith is the substance of things hoped for. It is acting on the Word of God. Therefore, give substance to your expectation, do not wait for the word of God to manifest in your life. Rather, go a step further to act on the word. This is believing that you already have what you want as the word says. So, to all your expectations, exercise your faith to receive your desires.


Therefore, it is important now that you are saved that you increase your expectation of God’s word by studying it. This will ensure that you receive and enjoy your full inheritance in Christ as a child of God. So expect the Lord more and more to fulfill his word in your life today.

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