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Most cases of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are managed with prescription medications. But did you know that ADHD and other developmental behaviors are often caused by poor nutrition and slow blood flow to the brain? For many children who have not benefited from medication, natural treatments such as dietary modifications and special therapies have been helpful in overcoming the disorder and leading normal lives.

Chinese medicine acupressure is a widely used therapeutic approach to treat ADHD, but pharmaceutical companies that endorse Western medicine prevent this practice from getting the media attention it deserves. According to the philosophy of Chinese medicine, each person has a spirit that lives in the heart. When a child’s spirit becomes hyperactive and restless, the heart overheats and the child experiences inattention, uncontrollable behavior, and irresistible urges. To treat ADHD, it is necessary to massage or stimulate certain pressure points on the body to refresh the heart and calm the spirit. The practice of activating pressure points is called acupressure and is intended to treat chronic illnesses and disorders by restoring balance to the body’s energy systems.

According to the philosophy behind acupressure, our physical and mental well-being is determined by the harmonious flow of vital energy, or Chi, through our bodies. An individual becomes ill when certain things obstruct the flow of Chi. To treat the condition, an acupressurist uses hands, elbows, and other objects to apply pressure to relevant pressure points on the body. By activating the pressure points, balance is restored to the body’s energy pathways and Chi can flow steadily throughout the body. Acupuncture is also based on these principles, but the difference is that the practitioner uses needles instead of physical pressure. Since needles can seem like a threat to children, acupressure is the preferred treatment for ADHD.

One particular acupressure method that is effective for children with ADHD is the use of ear magnet seeds or acupressure beads. An acupressure bead is a gold-coated round metal object that is applied to the surface of the ear to flow Chi. Children with ADHD respond favorably within seven days of bead placement, and continue to show marked improvements in the weeks that follow.

Of course, acupressure alone cannot treat ADHD, but it is an effective and harmless addition to a comprehensive treatment program. Acupressure is practiced by more than 2,000 licensed physicians who use alternative medicine in conjunction with Western medical modes. The growing success and popularity of Chinese medicine in the Western world has made insurance companies flexible in covering acupressure sessions. To locate a specialist near you, contact the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture or ask for referrals from friends.

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