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If you are someone who loves fast and furious games and if you want a game where you can spend countless hours adventuring without watching repeated content, then you should check out World of Warcraft. World of Warcraft is an extremely popular massively multiplayer online role-playing game, often abbreviated as MMORPG, and when you buy your copy of the game and install it on your computer, you’ll be able to log in and enjoy a world of gameplay. which is shared by thousands of other people. Take some time to learn more about the game and how you are going to start leveling up your character.


When you’re going to create a new character in World of Warcraft, there are a lot of choices you have to make. The first choice you’ll be faced with on the character screen is whether you want to play Horde or Alliance. Each faction has different races available, and after the release of Burning Crusade, all classes will be available to either faction. If you’re interested in playing the Horde, you’ll be able to choose from five different races, each with their perks and starting zones.


The Orcs and Trolls, for example, will begin in Durotar, a dry, mountainous area, while the Forsaken, an undead race from the Eastern Kingdoms, will begin their journeys in Tirisfal Glades, a bleak, forested area. The Tauren, large humoroid cows and bulls, begin in an area not unlike the great plains of North America, which is called Mulgore. With the addition of Burning Crusade, you can also play the Blood Elves, elves dangerously addicted to magic who start out in the beautiful Eversong Woods.


After choosing a character, you will choose a class, which determines your abilities and what kind of skills and talents you have. Depending on the race you choose, you can be a Warrior, Paladin, Priest, Warlock, Mage, Rogue, Shaman, or Hunter, and with the Wrath of the Lich King Expansion, you’ll be able to Play as a Death Knight, the first hero class in Azeroth.


You start the game at level one, where you are learning the ins and outs of your class and the world around you. At this point, the missions are pretty easy, but remember not to rush, especially if you are new to the game. You’ll learn a lot in your first four or five levels, and while you could get them up and running in an hour, you might prefer to take them slower and learn what you can.


When you want to level up more effectively, remember to keep your bags empty so you don’t have to run back to town as often, and you should always make sure you know how to heal yourself. While paladins and priests can heal themselves, other characters will need to research things like bandages or healing potions that can be bought or crafted.


Take some time and learn more about how to level up a Horde character in World of Warcraft; there are plenty of great options available to you!

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