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Oracle DBA interview questions are designed to test your DBA acumen as well as other skills like writing SQL, optimizing database queries, schema designs, relational databases, etc. Most of these other skills are closely tied to a software development role, rather than an Oracle DBA. But interviewers are also looking for other skills. The reason is that in an organization, an Oracle DBA is considered an authority on everything related to databases. It includes not only database administration, but also topics related to database-related development. Almost all software development in an IT organization involves some type of database.

Improve your technological knowledge:
It is a requirement. Almost invariably, you will be asked technical questions, regardless of whether you are a new or experienced database administrator.

Before you head to the interview room, focus on the technical aspects of a database administrator.

Don’t forget to visit the official Oracle website to see what the latest Oracle release is and what is in the works. Upcoming trends in the DBMS industry, in general, are something an interviewer expects you to know.

Keep your practical skills fresh:
If you’re an experienced database administrator, but haven’t been involved in the last few weeks or months, refresh your hands-on skills.

Log in to an Oracle console and run some well-known Oracle commands, just get your hand touch back.

The interviewers ask the interviewees very practical questions on the table, even offering them an oracle console just to check how practical a person is!

Prepare your own real-time experiences as a database administrator:
Your main skill is a database administrator, an interviewer will be looking to assess your ability as a database administrator.

You’ll be asked questions about your own real-life experience, if you walk into the interview room with a few years of DBMS administration experience behind you.

Keep in mind that most interviewers are actively involved in the day-to-day operations of an organization. Chances are you have faced some real-time issues on databases in the recent past. So expect some questions based on the situation. You don’t necessarily have to know the exact solution, but the interviewer will look at how you approach the problem and whether you have problem-solving skills.

Know your rivals:
Rival databases like Sybase, IBM DB2 always offer something different than Oracle.

As an Oracle DBA (read expert!), you should be able to express your opinion about the rivals, their advantages, and most importantly, Oracle’s own limitations in comparison. This kind of knowledge is expected from an experienced database administrator. If you are new, you should at least know the salient point about rival databases.

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