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What is the science behind the liposom?

Studies from the University of Montreal have shown a link between obesity and sleep. An increase in the hormone that stimulates appetite and a decrease in the hormone that burns fat, both as a result of lack of energy and sleep.

“One of the most exciting ideas that has been dormant and is now gaining momentum is the appreciation of the fact that sleep and sleep disruption do remarkable things for the body, including potentially influencing our weight,” says David Rapoport. , MD, associate professor and director of the Sleep Medicine Program at New York University School of Medicine in New York City.

At least two dozen studies have documented that people tend to weigh more if they get less sleep, says Sanjay Patel, MD, a researcher at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. In a 16-year study of nearly 70,000 women, Dr. Patel and colleagues found that those who slept five hours or less a night were 30 percent more likely to gain more than 30 pounds than those who rested more. In fact, some experts believe that lack of sleep is one of the reasons for the obesity epidemic in the United States. The average woman sleeps six hours and 40 minutes most nights, according to the National Sleep Foundation, far less than the minimum of seven and a half hours that our experts say healthy women need.

Key ingredients in liposome

Green Tea: Strong antioxidant effect that protects the body from the damaging effect of free radicals

gymnema sheet: Suppresses the taste of sugar, which effectively suppresses and neutralizes the craving for sweets.

Yerba mate leaf: Yerba mate is used as a tonic, diuretic, and stimulant to reduce fatigue and suppress appetite.

Guarana seed: Stimulates the central nervous system and increases metabolism.

Nopales: Supports healthy glucose balance, aids the body in energy production and sugar balance.

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