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For all beauty conscious women out there, glowing, radiant and flawless skin is the top priority. There is no end to this madness and a woman is ready to do anything to get flawless skin and attractive complexion. From regular visits to the beauty salon to spending thousands of dollars on skin care products, they seem to try every means to achieve this goal.

However, most of them don’t realize that the best of all solutions for most skin problems can be found within the confines of their own home. Natural skin care tips have not only proven their worth for years and years, but they are also inexpensive.

Natural skin care tips

Balance diet

Nothing is as good as health that radiates from the inside out and for that one needs to have a healthy daily diet. Foods like flax seeds, olive oil, and fish are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which are vital for healthy skin. Similarly, using foods rich in calcium and vitamin A, such as yogurt and milk, are also among the best natural skin care tips. Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, for example broccoli, oranges and tomatoes, act as perfect cleansers for the skin and should be used as part of the daily diet. Stay away from junk and fried foods that would make your skin oily and unhealthy.

Daily exercise

Daily exercise helps keep stress at bay, which is one of the main causes of acne. The increased level of activity improves the absorption of oxygen in the body and the improved supply of oxygen to the skin cells makes it glowing and healthy. Therefore, exercise should be incorporated into your daily routine for naturally beautiful skin.

drink plenty of water

Among all the natural skin care tips, drinking plenty of water is perhaps the most effective. It helps by improving the digestive system and detoxifying the body. Skin problems that arise due to stomach disorders, for example boils, can be easily cured by increasing the intake of water. Hydrated skin looks healthier with no fine lines or wrinkles. 2 to 3 liters of water a day would help keep the skin soft and healthy.

Cleanse, Tone and Moisturize

Cleaner skin is healthier skin. Particularly for oily skin, it is important to cleanse, tone and moisturize twice a day. Use a quality face wash to wash your face two to three times a day. However, avoid washing it too often or you will lose the shine and end up with rough skin. If you have dry skin, wash your skin no more than twice a day and then use a good moisturizer to tone your skin. Similarly, moisturizing is very important and preferably an herbal moisturizer with minimal chemicals should be used. For those over 40, the night eye cream should also be used as it would prevent wrinkles around the eyes.

face masks

These should be used at least once a week. You don’t need to buy an expensive face mask every time, but the most effective face masks can be made at home with simple ingredients. Below are some examples.

1- Lemon juice and egg white face mask

It is one of the most trusted natural skin care tips and works especially well for oily skin. Create a face mask by mixing an egg white with a few drops of fresh lemon juice and witch hazel and apply to your neck and face. Let it stay there for at least 20 minutes before washing your face with lukewarm water.

2- Egg Yolk and Olive Oil Facial Mask

It acts as a perfect moisturizer and is therefore good for dry skin. Take one egg yolk, one tablespoon of olive oil, and one teaspoon of honey to create the mixture and apply it for 20 minutes on your face and neck before washing your face.

Among these natural skin care tips, select the one that suits your skin type and follow it regularly for flawless skin.

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