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thyroid history

The thyroid hormone was identified in the 19th century by the anatomist Thomas Wharton. Since its discovery it has led to the discovery of a wide range of ailments that can be traced back to the thyroid gland and its defects. We know the thyroid in two basic categories: hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Graves’ disease is widely believed to be responsible for thyroid problems in the human body.

About the thyroid

Medical research has identified the thyroid as one of the largest endocrine glands in the human body. Located around the neck, this gland is responsible for producing hormones, such as thyroxine and triiodothyronine. These hormones regulate metabolism and the functioning of many other systems in the body. The thyroid gland controls the rate at which our body burns energy, forms protein, and the body’s sensitivity to other hormones.

thyroid symptoms

There are plenty of symptoms that show one has thyroid Delay in general health, hair loss, cracking voice, fluctuations in weight (either gain or loss depending on what form of thyroid it is), etc.

The thyroid gland enlarges as we age, and the frequency of these nodules increases with age. Thyroid nodules are seen predominantly in women rather than men.

Thyroid – Histology of the thyroid

Diagnosis and Tests to detect Thyroid

Detection of malfunctions of the thyroid gland can be carried out quite effectively. Doctors use the determination of TSH levels to diagnose any existing thyroid problems. This is done as a basic screening test. An elevated TSH level can mean inadequate thyroid hormone production. Alternatively, suppressed TSH levels point to unchecked excessive hormone production. In case of abnormal TSH levels, tests that monitor T3 and T4 levels can be used to determine the exact level of decline. An iodine-131 scan reveals parts of the thyroid that may show symptoms of abnormal behavior.

Problems Leading to Thyroid

In cases of iodine deficiency where it is required, the thyroid gland can be greatly enlarged, resulting in a swollen neck of endemic goiter.

In addition, thyroid nodules can also lead to cancer. For this ultrasound to be suggested, it is of course not mandatory that the thyroid symptoms lead to a cancerous growth, only in cases of benign and malignant nodules can there be suspicion.

Types of treatment for the Thyroid

Medical treatment

Levothyroxine is a stereoisomer of thyroxine that has been used in patients with known hypothyroidism; this slows down the effect of hormonal secretion in the body and is administered once a day. Treatment for thyroid is also done with the help of drugs like thioamide drugs, propylthiouracil, methimazole and carbimazole. Hyperthyroidism and thyroid tumors are also treated with radioactive iodine.

thyroid surgery

Thyroid surgery is also done to remove a thyroid nodule or lobe that leads to a self-functioning adenoma that could be causing the hyperthyroidism. A thyroid surgery is done to remove it, a subtotal thyroidectomy or to treat the hyperthyroidism of Graves’ disease, or even to remove a goiter.

Alternative Thyroid Treatments

Many claims have been made around the world regarding thyroid treatment, many of which are in the form of alternative treatments. These alternative treatments, while effective for some, come in different types and categories that can be classified as holistic treatments. Ayurveda, homeopathy, the practice of yoga have widely claimed results when it comes to thyroid treatment. Furthermore, contemporary medical approaches to the treatment and diagnosis of thyroid problems have become much more comprehensive than ever before.

Some effective yoga poses for thyroid problems are: Narishodhan Pranayam, Sarvangasan, Suryabhedi Pranayam, Shitali Pranayam, Ujjayi Pranayam, Bhastrika pranayam, Sitkari pranayam, and Bhramari pranayam.

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