
Empowering change empowering Tech

Video seems to be gaining more traction in the world of internet marketing. More and more companies use videos to promote their products and services. And at the same time, more prospects are looking for videos instead of static pages. They prefer to watch than read.

Videos give you one of the most creative ways to present your company and your product. It can really bring your information to life, but there are a few steps required to gain an audience and create results.

building blocks

Aim: Before you hire your video production team or even envision what your video storyboard will look like, you must first define your purpose. If your only reason for creating a video is because your competitors and everyone else seems to be doing it, save your money. It’s the worst reason… and that’s true with all your marketing efforts. The “me too” approach rarely works.

Define what it is that you are really selling, and this is not limited to just one product or service. You may be selling a perspective, a change in attitude, or simply an awareness of your company. Whatever it is, you have to be very clear about your purpose. If you really can’t define what your video sells, you still haven’t defined its purpose. Without a purpose, you will have a very difficult time getting people to watch your video.

Call to action: Once you define your purpose, the next step in your planning is to determine your call to action: very simple, what do you want viewers to do once they see your video? This sounds pretty basic, but it’s amazing how many companies don’t focus on a specific call to action. Either it is not clear or it is not stated. Don’t leave your viewers hanging and wondering what to do next. Sure, they can figure it out, but why leave that to chance?

Be very specific. Tell them what you want them to do: call this number or visit this website. And then repeat it. Think of any infomercial you’ve seen. “That number again is…” The information is not repeated simply to lengthen the commercial. After all, time is at a premium. The call to action is repeated because repeating it increases the chances that it will work.

Budget: Part of the initial planning should be to determine your budget for the project. There’s so much variation in video production that you’ll waste time and spin your wheels trying to take the next steps without really knowing how much you have or are willing to invest. Creating a video is similar to building a custom home. Depending on the size, accessories, materials used, etc., the cost of building a house will have a significant range. Video is no different. There are companies that have figured out how to cut videos with cookies (track homes) and companies that will create a personalized video just for you. Involve your production team. An experienced team will know where to best use your budget and what you can do without it to achieve the biggest impact with the smallest budget.

By following these simple basics, you can start creating quality video that will improve your business. Good luck!

I would like to hear your thoughts and success stories. Share using the comment section below.

Roberto Grossmann

President and Executive Producer

creative focus group

[email protected]

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