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The dragon is seen as one of the five main animals in Chinese martial arts. The dragon is perhaps the best known animal, in terms of animals associated with martial arts and Asian culture in general. However, it is only an animal. Within the five main animals of Chinese martial arts, there are also the crane, the tiger, the leopard and the snake. And then there are all the other animals that make up the various styles of kung fu out there.

However, this Chinese martial art offers a fantastic level of training and conditioning for those who are interested. The rich traditions of dragon martial arts methods are combined with the history of the style to create something that rightfully deserves a place as one of the top five animals.

Background and History

As you will discover, when people talk about this style, they are likely referring to the southern dragon style. This is a form of kung fu that really seeks to emulate the movements of the legendary Chinese dragon figure.

The dragon is a significant figure in Chinese culture. There are examples of the dragon throughout Chinese history and mythology. The kung fu dragon style form seeks to represent this entire history, while also giving the individual a form of self-defense that is truly capable of protecting the individual.

One of the most attractive aspects of Dragon Style Kung Fu has to do with its versatility. This form of kung fu is designed so that someone can protect themselves from a wide variety of dangerous scenarios. The winding low yang figures prominently in many of the southern dragon style techniques that are available for study. This refers to techniques that seek to focus on fast and powerful movements.

You will notice the fast and powerful element of many of the techniques you study. You will also find that the footwork involved in dragon style kung fu techniques makes it quite unique as well. Individuals will move in a zig-zag. This move is designed to emulate the movements of the dragon.

There is much more to the dragon style that needs to be studied. This includes a motto, the codes associated with the southern dragon style, and the four rules that seek to govern those who study and engage with the teachings.

The bottom line

Dragon style kung fu is a truly unique style in the world of kung fu.

Standing united we pack a punch.

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