
Empowering change empowering Tech

Facebook is one of the best places to develop your company’s online presence. It has the largest user base that provides you with tons of leads, as well as so many options on the type of materials you can use. It would be a great missed opportunity for a company not to use the platform.

It’s great for advertising, but with its benefits come guidelines that need to be followed to make sure you stay on the good side of Facebook. With that, here is what to avoid when using Facebook advertising.


Facebook is quite particular when it comes to avoiding copyrighted material. They can and will prevent your content from being displayed or even remove it without notice if they feel you are violating copyright.

Whether the use of the copyrighted material was intentional or not, it still affects your campaign if you have improved any of your posts.

It doesn’t stop there. It is important that your copy does not look like “clickbait-y” or explicitly seek reactions. Not following Facebook’s call for quality posts can lead to less reach for your material. It affects your overall efficiency.

Less convenient organic reach

The algorithm change that Facebook brought to all of us earlier this year has changed the way marketers strategized Facebook campaigns. Everyone has to make posts as relevant as possible if they want to have any chance of appearing in their users’ feeds. This is opposed to relying on later chronology.

Since a user’s like does not guarantee that they will see your publications again, it is essential to increase the quality of your publications. Put more effort into keeping your content on par with other pages competing for a spot in feeds.


Since Facebook is a great advertising channel, you can expect other companies, including your main competitors, to be there as well. This can make creating an impression more difficult, but not impossible.

It all lies in how creative you are in establishing your identity as a company. However, when achieved, this means gaining brand loyalty from your customers.

Too expensive

Keep in mind that this is likely to only happen if your campaign is not well managed. Inappropriate targeting, too long a boost duration, and not checking your stats regularly can damage the effectiveness of a campaign.

How a campaign is managed is just as important as the campaign itself. Producing a lot of great stuff won’t mean much if you don’t get to the right people’s feeds, or if they tire of the stuff so quickly that it crashes your page.

Here are some of the things to watch out for when you decide to advertise on Facebook. That shouldn’t put you off though, as with anything else that’s cool, it’s bound to have some kind of cheating.

But it’s all easy to avoid when you work with the right Facebook ad partner for your campaign, proving that seeking expert help with social media marketing is a worthwhile investment.

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