
Empowering change empowering Tech

One of the best things about owning your own business is that you have complete control over where and when you work, and working from home is, for some, the epitome of those benefits. But as much as working from home may sound on paper (no more dirty laundry until the wee hours of the morning!), in practice it can be hard to adjust. There’s a definite learning curve involved in suddenly taking control of how your time is structured: think of it like moving to college, where you suddenly have to scold yourself for doing your own homework instead of having your parents around to remind you.

Of course, working from home really can’t compare to doing homework; You likely have many more personal responsibilities than you did in high school or college (kids, pets, household chores, more time commitments, etc.) and these important priorities outside of work combine to create serious distractions for you. And you’re not working to get a good grade, you’re working to earn a living.

When your work life and personal life are mostly centered around the same location, how can you keep the two separate so that you can continue to maintain them effectively? With a few mind tricks, you can rewire your brain so that you can switch from “free time” to “work time” when you need to. That is how.

Separate your home office from your home.

Make this your mantra: Your work space is not your living space.. Going back to the homework analogy: If you’re doing your homework in bed, one of two things is likely to happen: your concentration on your work will be affected because your brain is preparing for sleep, or your sleep will be affected because you can’t stop working when it’s time to go to bed. Ideally, you can’t even see your desk from your couch or bed, and vice versa.

Of course, not everyone is lucky enough to have a free room. What if you work in an open space? No problem. When I moved into my studio, I simply chose the corner of the studio with the best natural light and walled it in with some bookshelves. It’s like my own personal cubicle, only I don’t have to wear shoes!

Maximize your work space.

While the comforts of home are great, it’s the comfort of the office that you’re looking for. Invest in the things that will help you streamline your time: make sure you have everything you use often close at hand. Get a file cabinet and dedicate the necessary time to the organization. Your home business may be small now, but you should structure your organizational infrastructure so that if the business takes off, you don’t worry about sorting old unsorted documents and making room for new clients. For help with this daunting but entirely doable task, check out this excellent article from Entrepreneur in organizing.

Remember: you have full control over your environment. Just because your workspace needs to be organized doesn’t mean it should feel like a dentist’s waiting room. Get the paint out! If you find it difficult to tune out your internal dialogue, surround yourself with a cool blue; it will help you focus. If you’re not a morning person and you’re giving it a try, opt for bright colors that help you feel energized. If you rent and are not allowed to paint, try drapes or wall hangings. Post a photo of something that reminds you why you are passionate about your business. Whatever motivates you and helps you focus, do it.

Minimize distractions that you can’t eliminate.

Forces outside of your control are conspiring against you. For example, when I take my headphones off and listen to the world around me for a moment, I can hear a snowplow clearing the sidewalks, the hum of my refrigerator, a truck pulling up outside, at least two barking neighborhood dogs, and mine. dog taking an intense interest in the cause of the ruckus. Fortunately, with my headphones on, all I can hear is Brian Eno, an instant buffer from distractions.

Make sure everything on your desk has a reason to be there: pencils, lamps, phone, calendar, reference books, etc. Spend a few minutes carefully judging the objects around you; If you haven’t touched an object in the last week, your desk just isn’t your proper home. Find another place for him to live that is out of sight and out of mind.

Set your limits and stick to them.

Friends and family can sometimes focus on the “home” aspect of working from home, listening to the “work” part with deaf ears; it’s up to you to remind them that your home office is not your home, it’s your office. Let people know when you’re working (even if it’s your own watch), and tell them firmly that while you’re happy to be available during your free time, work time is for work. If your loved ones still don’t notice, ask them if they would interrupt you during the day if you were in an office with other coworkers around. The only difference is the location (and the fact that you don’t wear shoes).

In this sense, it is important that you define your limits not only for your loved ones, but also for yourself. Choose hours that match your personal circadian rhythm and work practices. If you are a morning person, embrace it. If your best productivity hours are at night, no problem. Whatever you do, make sure you take responsibility for not only starting on time and putting in the hours, but also getting back to your personal life after work. Anytime you think your day is over, change your clothes, make dinner, and relax. You are working from home, but this does not mean that you should take your work home with you. Congratulate yourself on a job well done and stop for today. There is always a tomorrow.

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