
Empowering change empowering Tech

I am not being negative and trying to make anyone feel bad in this article. I am pointing to the fact that we all have a certain number of years on this planet to make our contribution to the world. None of us will live forever and it is a fact that at some point his obituary will be written. YOU are the only one who can determine what this obituary will say.

At nearly 60 years of age, I am much more aware of what my own obituary will look like personally. When I was young I never thought so much. But if you think about this at an earlier age, you have a powerful tool to help you realize that you only have a limited time to achieve your dreams.

Your life can change at ANY age.

My mission is to push you, push you, push you and set you on the path to finally taking action to shape and create the life you truly want to live. I’m sorry if I didn’t sugarcoat these lessons to please everyone and sometimes it probably annoys some people.

I will never try to sell you anything to make money, and I will not try to be popular. I am trying to get you out of the ‘conditioning’ we have all been exposed to by ‘society’ and limited, and to start taking action on the most important thing you will ever do in your life…reach your dreams and discover your enormous inner potential. .

My mission is to help you realize that you have the power to enjoy any kind of life you want to live… IF YOU CHOOSE to make it happen. It will not happen automatically. And you may not have a long life to achieve all your desires, dreams and goals. So RIGHT NOW, whatever age you are, is the time to get serious and start making it happen.

I want you to write 2 obituaries about yourself. In the first, he writes what would be said about you if you died tomorrow. Make it as long as you want and most importantly… be honest.

In your second obituary write what you would say if you achieved all your wishes and dreams in life. Make it long, detailed and beautiful. (If you need to see how an obituary is structured, just look in your local newspaper on the Internet.)

What do you think would be said about you in the first obituary? Do you think you would be happy with what was said?

Have you lived your life up to this point with unbridled enthusiasm and motivation? Have you been helpful to the people in your life up to this point? Have you made a difference in other people’s lives? Have you lived up to your potential? Are you as successful as you think you could be?

Have you achieved all your dreams? Are you working hard to reach them? How have you treated people? What kind of person do others perceive you? What do you think of yourself right now? How strong is your character? Character is how you think, feel, and act when no one is looking.

By writing your own obituary ON PAPER you will get an accurate picture of what your life has been like up to this point. And hopefully it will scare the hell out of you if that’s not how you want to be remembered!

The reason this exercise is so powerful is because it gives you the opportunity to make changes and LIVE the obituary you want to post when it’s time to leave this world.

It gives you the opportunity and motivation to shape and create the kind of life you want to be remembered for. It gives you a reason to start right now to change what you want to change and start chasing the life you dream of.

The time to take ACTION is now, not next week, not next month, not next year. None of us know how long we will be blessed with in this life. Nothing is guaranteed.

Grab a pen and paper and DO this exercise! Don’t just do it in your mind, you must put it on paper to ‘experience’ the POWER it will give you! Write your own obituary today and take advantage of the opportunity you have to change anything you want in your life… CoachDoug.

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