
Empowering change empowering Tech

Most of the time we barely think about what the true consequences of a bad decision may be, and on those occasions when we do think about the consequences, we tend to end up lying to ourselves. We find some way to justify what we’re doing and make it not seem as bad as it really is. I used to think like that until I experienced the consequences of a really bad decision. Let me explain; I heard that some people were going to drink at the school football game and I thought it would be fun to waste time at the game. I drove to school at the time we agreed to meet to start drinking. We all sat in my parents’ car in the school parking lot drinking from the bottle and getting drunk. I didn’t think about how I was going to get home, I couldn’t drive home being as drunk as I was, but I thought I would worry about getting home later.

We walked into the football game and I don’t remember much after that. About 20 minutes into the game I passed out and when I came back I was in a hospital bed with my mom next to me. She didn’t remember how I got to the hospital or anything. The next morning I was faced with a lot of questions, most of which had to do with why I was drinking, how I was going to get home, what could I have been thinking making such a decision. I didn’t really have answers for these questions, because they are all largely based on why I didn’t make a better decision. I didn’t think about what would happen if I got caught, how it would affect my life, what the consequences would be.

I had to face many consequences for my bad decision, but the worst ones for me were losing the trust of my parents, having my license taken away, having to pay a hospital bill of more than two thousand dollars and my grades in school. she slipped dramatically. Now I find myself thinking more than once a week, why didn’t I think about the decision? How could I have made such a bad decision?

The next time you are going to make a bad decision that will have negative consequences, take a minute to really think about what the possible consequences will be if you get caught or if something goes wrong, and how they will affect your life. Then make your decision.

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