
Empowering change empowering Tech

Many young people suffer back pain while studying. Back pain can reduce your ability to study and your quality of life. Whether you’re reading a book, researching the Internet, typing, or handwriting, there are steps you can take to avoid back pain.

Computer work

The ergonomics of the computer station is important for anyone who spends long periods in front of a computer. Most students rely on computers for both research and writing. The following are OSHA’s criteria for an ergonomic computer space:

Screen at eye level or just below
Neck in line with the torso and head centered
Relaxed shoulders
Elbows close to the body and supported by armrests.
Wrists and hands aligned with the forearms.
Sufficient space allowed for keyboard and mouse
Lumbar support
Feet flat on the ground

These guidelines facilitate proper posture and, when adhered to, reduce the strain on the neck, shoulders, and back that many people who use computers during the day experience. Adjustable chairs, desks, and computer screen angles make these configurations possible. If you can’t afford to buy new furniture for the workplace, get creative. A rolled towel can serve as lumbar support, and your laptop monitor or screen can be supported by books.


Maintaining proper posture while reading can be quite difficult. When we sit in a chair at a desk, we usually place the book on the desk or rest the bottom of the book on the desk and support it at a slight angle with our hands. Both positions of the book force the neck to stretch forward and the head to drop. With the weight of the head away from the center line of the body and the rounded position of the neck pulling the muscles, a double tension is exerted on the muscles of the neck and shoulders. The shoulders are generally hunched in this position, and since the upper body is trying to get closer to the top of the desk to read the book, the lower back tends to round off, losing its natural arch. The muscles from the neck to the hips are tightened by this postural distortion. Over time, spinal discs can degenerate due to vertebral angle changes associated with poor posture.

Promoting proper posture while reading begins with the position of the book; This determines, in part, the position of your head, neck, etc., down. The ideal position for your book is mostly upright, leaning slightly back to allow your eyes to more easily access the text. There are book holders available on the market that hold the books in this position for you, freeing your hands and arms. Stands can be simple or complex, from $ 5 to hundreds. You can also create a makeshift stand. Place the stand at a distance from you that allows your head to be upright and facing forward.


Although keyboards dominate much of our writing activities, many still use the stylus. Most repetitive handwriting injuries occur to the hand, wrist, and shoulder, but the neck and back can also be affected by writing posture. As with reading a book that is laid flat on a desk, writing on a horizontally placed sheet of paper causes the neck to bend and the head to protrude, altering the position of the spine and back muscles downward. .

The UCLA ergonomics department recommends placing your notebook at a slight 15 to 25 degree incline to encourage an upright position. Use a 3 “binder with the bound end pointing out for an inexpensive slope.

Additional tips

Whatever your study activity, it is important to take breaks and move. The human body is designed to be active; Your muscles rely on a contraction / relaxation cycle to pump waste products and fresh blood with their nutrients and oxygen. Try to take a two-minute break every 30 to 45 minutes.

See the “microbreak” and stretching tips at http://www.ehs.wisc.edu/occ-healthprotection-ergonomics-microbreaks-stretchingexercises.htm.

Check your posture frequently when you are at the computer, reading, or writing. Are your muscles relaxed? Is your head centered on our torso? Are your shoulders low and loose? Do you have a long spine? Answering these questions will help you prevent painful muscle tension.

Ergonomics and body awareness will help you prevent back pain while studying. With a little creativity and knowledge, you can transform your study space into a body-friendly space.

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