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You can play Cars game online, download it to your computer and play it on Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac or OS X system, or, if you have a game console, you can play Cars the movie on PS 2, PSP, Xbox 360, Xbox , Nintendo DS, Nintendo GameCube, Wii Xbox and many more.

Although it can be played in several different types of players, Cars, the game in the movie is not exactly the same from player to player. For example, if you play Cars the movie on the Nintendo DS or PSP, the game will be different from a Cars game that you would play online or on the Wii Xbox.

Like any other free car racing game, Cars the movie has several different levels that are a lot of fun to play. In the Nintendo DS version of Cars the movie, levels include Piston Cup, World’s Best Backwards Driver, Gesundheit !, That Blinkin ‘Light, Casa Della Tires, and many more.

Cars the movie game is more than inspired by the Pixar / Disney movie of the same name, it is also intended to be a sequel to the movie. Lightning McQueen is still trying to win the Piston Cup only now players can run around as his favorite characters and help him out.

The list of characters you can compete with differs from one version of Cars the movie game to the next. For example, on the PS2 and Wii Xbox versions you can play characters like DJ, Luigi, Boost, Mater, Wingo, Sally Carrera, and Sheriff.

On the other hand, in the PSP version, in addition to the characters already mentioned, you can also play Lightning McQueen, Doc Hudson, Lizzie, Flo, Fillmore, Ramone and Sarge. Race cars that you can drive on the Nintendo DS version include Sputter Stop, Vinyl Toupee, Gasprin, and Leakless. This free car racing game offers the player five Piston Cup races, twenty road races, countless mini-games and also includes clips from the movie. If you want to see the movie clips, be sure to collect all the rays that are scattered around Ornament Valley, Radiator Springs, and Tailfin Pass.

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