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The estimated salary of a cosmetologist can vary from state to state and according to the career you have chosen. Barber can be employed by the hour, earning on average, $11-$12 per hour. They may also own their own salon or rent space in someone else’s salon, which could affect how much they are paid. Stylists who have to provide their own equipment and products will have a different overall salary than those who can also use their salons’ equipment and products. A full-time barber’s salary can range from $30K to $50K per year, depending on tips. A stylist who decides to open her own salon can increase this figure significantly by charging rent for another stylist’s booth and/or a percentage of her profits.

The salary of a manicurist or nail technician will also have many variables. Working in a salon can earn an hourly wage similar to that of a hairstylist, but many nail technicians can offer a variety of services that would greatly increase their rates if they were running their own business. A nail technician who is willing to run the salon for his client can charge up to $60 in many areas. As with all businesses, you must remember that if you are self-employed, you will need to carry liability insurance, supply your own products, and pay for your own equipment. Many nail technicians, like hairdressers, are able to rent space in salons owned by others and can count on a good portion of their income to come from tips. The average tip for a professional in the cosmetology industry is $5 per customer.

If your chosen career path is that of an esthetician, you can expect to start on the lower side of the salary scale and see your salary rise as you gain more experience. Depending on where you work and whether or not you are paid a salary or commission, this can greatly affect your income. Another factor to consider is where you work. Estheticians who work in elite medical offices or spas will have a better chance of earning higher salaries than those who work in the back room of a local hair salon. The salary range for an esthetician with less than one year of experience can be between $20,000 and $40,000 per year, while an esthetician with 15 years of experience can earn up to $52,000 per year.

The highest paid cosmetologists are the select few who can work in the movie industry. These are the behind-the-scenes professionals who do the hair and makeup of rich celebrities. These cosmetologists are very often the best of the best and their salaries reflect this, earning between $60K and $80K per year. This is not an easy profession to get into, but it can be very rewarding if you can do it. Unfortunately, many cosmologists who work in the film industry are not always guaranteed work, as the need for their services can come and go depending on what is happening in Hollywood. There are some full-time positions available in the industry if you can find employment with a talk show or even a news station.

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