
Empowering change empowering Tech

The world is still hungry for more and more energy. Training in energy auditing is a way of learning to curb that appetite and “eat” responsibly. A green race tailored to our times.

It’s about paying close attention to living within limits. If not, you may get lost. We all could. And there is a lot to be gained, where energy audit careers have a big part to play in this.

Energy audit training qualifies you to recognize how much energy is used in a home or business. It teaches you how much of that is wasted, and what the financial and environmental costs of that wasted energy are. Most importantly, it shows you where waste can be controlled and what options are available for doing so.

There is a lot of demand for people qualified to do this and the demand is growing.

Courtesy of climate change and the need to conserve energy use, home energy audits are receiving a lot of attention as a primary area where individuals and our communities can save energy and money. State after state, country after country, are forcing energy audits on homes and businesses. Importantly, governments have also set up generous incentives so that people who buy or sell houses can afford to do so.

And you don’t need to go to college to get certified in energy auditing. This can be accomplished in weeks, not years.

One result is a thriving energy auditing industry, including energy auditing courses. Of course, if you just want to participate for the money that can be earned in this energy work, that’s fine. But the rewards of becoming a qualified energy auditor are much more than that.

Energy Audit Training Rewards

Due to the broader trends covered above, job security in energy auditing is good. Of course, that also depends on how good you are and your training.

It can be a job, working for someone else, or you can make it your one-person business.

Hours are flexible and you can set your own hours if you’re self-employed, part-time if you’d like. Ideal for students or a second job.

However, the training of energy auditors is much more than that. If you think of a house as a symbol of your body and who you are, then learning to manage your energy use and flow is essential to living well.

Once we become more aware of how our own daily actions impact our own lives and the lives of others, living within limits becomes a strategy for a richer life. A life where connections with other people and our environment can be felt and seen. Therefore, energy auditors can help make subtle but big changes in the lives of their clients.

Your work on energy audits will also benefit the planet. House by house, business by business.

Picture this when you get home: “Dad,” or “Mom, what did you do at work today?” “Oh well, I just made a few people feel better and did my bit for the kids at Planet!”

So while energy audit training is often taught as a straightforward technology pursuit, the benefits are far from common. A job where you can earn well and feel good about what you are doing!

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