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A heart disease risk factor is a habit a person follows that makes them more susceptible to this horrible disease. It is said that more than 58 million Americans suffer from some form of heart disease, and it is the leading cause of death for American adults. Heart disease kills more women than the other five leading causes of death combined. For this reason, it’s important to know what we can about this killer so we can stop it from hurting more people.

Examples of a risk factor for heart disease include smoking, eating high-fat foods, and not getting enough exercise. Risk factors damage your heart, your overall health, and essentially kill you slowly. A risk factor for heart disease must be avoided if we hope to avoid this horrible disease.

Why should you know about risk factors?

It’s important to study your risk factors for heart disease so you can avoid the kinds of behaviors that lead to heart disease. By adopting certain lifestyle changes, we can stay away from the heart disease risk factor that is hurting you minute by minute, most likely without you knowing.

Also, it’s important to note that a certain factor may be a risk factor for heart disease and most people don’t even know it. Not many know that there are certain factors that cannot be avoided. An example of this type of heart disease risk factor includes age; you can’t help how old you are.

Likewise, you also can’t help what family you come from. That’s right, heart disease can be genetic and can come from your father, your mother or your grandmother. That means heredity can also be a risk factor for heart disease. It is important to understand these risk factors so that we can track this disease and stop it with more scientific research. Research will lead to more drugs and procedures that will help stop this disease.

The fact that there are risk factors that cannot be avoided does not mean that we should give up. Control the risk factors you can control, like smoking, overeating, and lack of exercise, and let’s help prevent this disease from spreading.

Heart disease is a disease that, for the most part, is preventable. It is important to study the heart disease risk factor that concerns you most. What are you doing that could be hurting you? Try to limit the habit or eliminate it altogether, and your heart will thank you.

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