
Empowering change empowering Tech

It’s so easy to create information products that you can sell for $7, $27, or even $97 that it’s ridiculous. Everyone should create their product, and I don’t know why so many people who do internet marketing don’t have one.

In fact, I have a “product idea generator” checklist that I use to create on-demand products. When I use this checklist in combination with a very specific schematic I’ve developed, I’m eliminating products in as little as a day, or in some cases, a few hours.

One of my favorite products to create is a “made for you” product. These can include website templates, squeeze pages designed to get people to sign up for your lists, etc. The idea here is to create something that is a button solution.

How easy is this? Hire some freelancers to do graphic design and web design for you, get an article writer to create content on the cheap, and then within a week you’ll have a complete product that you can package up and sell.

Too much work? Okay, how about this? On my book shelf I have a bunch of “self-help” books. If I wanted to get into the self-help market, this is what I would do. First, I would choose a secondary niche, so there wouldn’t be a lot of competition.

Then I would find all the authors on Amazon who have a book written related to that topic. Then I would get their contact information and call them on the phone. I would present my business plan to them on how I would like to do a few teleseminars with them and then give them a cut of the sales.

Bring nine experts together, and now you don’t just have a teleseminar, you have an entire course. Hire a transcriptionist and turn calls into an eBook. Or better yet, have someone make PowerPoint videos from the calls, so now you have a “video course.”

Then when you sell them this course, when they’re paying, offer them a free two-month subscription to your membership site. That’s another instant product you’ve created. The best thing about doing this is that you don’t even have to have any content on your membership site yet. Just have them sign up and then create the content. If they stay for two months, then start billing them.

If you’ve built an email list, offer a 30-minute private consultation for $50. instant service Then get permission to record the call, bundle up a bunch of calls and sell it as a product. Instant product.

I have a list of 27 product idea generators that I always look at when I decide I want to create a product. You should also develop your own list. Just look around and see what the big boys are doing, and take notes on the different types of products they offer.

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