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No wonder there are so many people who would like to lose a few pounds and get in better shape. It’s unfortunate that our modern lifestyle, while providing a variety of different labor-saving devices and techniques, doesn’t really seem to free up additional time for exercise. We are all using motorized transportation more than ever, and for many people the job consists of sitting at a computer terminal for eight hours a day. After a long day at work, possibly with a commute at either end, it’s not easy to find the energy or time to exercise.

It can very quickly become a vicious cycle for many people. Low energy levels, coupled with insufficient free time for exercise, can result in reduced levels of health and fitness, and potentially weight problems. This can lead to even lower energy levels and it can become increasingly difficult to find the energy and motivation to exercise. For many people who have a substantially sedentary lifestyle, it is really difficult to exercise.

It’s easy to see why, for someone just embarking on a weight loss or general fitness program, many types of exercise can be too intense. Jogging or running can be great ways to burn some calories, but for someone who is a bit out of shape and not used to exercising regularly, it can be too demanding. Not only can they be hard on the muscles, but they can also put excessive stress on the joints.

It is important to realize that it is not an all or nothing scenario. There are alternate exercise modes for anyone starting a fitness routine. Walking, for example, is a great exercise, not just for beginners, but for just about anyone. In addition to weight loss, walking can provide a host of potential health benefits if done regularly. Lower risk of heart disease and stroke, reduced cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure levels, the ability to build bone density and muscle, higher energy levels, better sleep, lower risk of certain forms of cancer; it can even help fight depression and anxiety.

That’s a long list of health benefits as a result of one activity you do every day. You don’t need special training to start walking, and aside from a comfortable pair of shoes, no special equipment is needed. There are no gym fees to pay and you can fit it into your day when it’s most convenient for you.

Health and fitness advisors seem to agree that 10,000 steps a day is a good goal to achieve the health benefits of walking. That equates to a distance of between four and a half to five miles for most people. It sounds like a long way to go, but you’d probably be surprised how easy it is to pull off.

Relatively minor changes to your daily routine can help you increase the number of steps you take each day. Building slowly is a very sensible approach, of course, you don’t need to accomplish it all at once. Leaving the car at home and walking to work, school, or the stores is a good start. If you decide to use your car, don’t feel guilty, just park in a far corner of the parking lot so you have to walk further to get to the entrance. If you are traveling by metro or bus, then get off a couple of stops early and end your journey on foot. If you are on your mobile or cordless phone, walk around during your conversation. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. There are many different ways to fit a little more walking into your daily routine.

Hopefully, you can see the potential of walking as a mode of exercise. The health benefits are significant, you can fit into your routine with minimal effort, and it won’t cost you a fortune. If you decide to incorporate it into your daily routine, consider having a brief discussion with your doctor, especially if you haven’t been in the habit of exercising regularly or have a medical condition. However, as discussed above, walking is a low-risk, low-impact format of exercise that can greatly benefit you. Exercise some common sense and start slowly. Build only when you feel comfortable doing so. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how quickly your walking exercise routine will produce results you can feel and see.

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