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Competition surrounds us. In fact, it is a way of life. It also somehow makes sense of what we do. When you watch movies, you will easily watch movies that focus on the idea of ​​victory. Movies like “The Fast and the Furious” would even have a famous line (delivered by Vin Diesel): “It doesn’t matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning is winning.” When you watch TV shows, the competition is everywhere! From shows like “Fear Factor,” where the toughest survive against the worst nightmares, to “Jeopardy,” which is the battle of the minds, it’s sure to be there. In fact, the idea of ​​the competition has been so great that even cooking shows have already been affected. Shows like “Iron Chef” and “Throw Down with Bobby Flay” advertise the idea that there is a challenge and one will be victorious. In fact, the idea of ​​competition has been widely supported by various types of media and the entertainment industry alike.

And this is not surprising. After all, life is nothing more than a great climb to the top. We start out as little kids striving to be the best in our class or the best in the minor leagues. We see this as the way to be accepted and admired in some way by our peers and as teenagers; this would be something we would very much like. There is no doubt that the idea of ​​battle is engraved on us when we were children. But as we get older, things get a little different. This time, it is not just the battle that matters. It is the victory that counts.

With the idea that when we grow up, winning is the key, one of the best examples is the football franchise, the Pittsburgh Steelers. This Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-based team has been one of the most successful, if not the most, in NFL history. As of 2006, they have already appeared in 6 Super Bowl games and are one of only three teams that have been able to win the Super Bowl five times. The team has also appeared in 13 conference championship games and holds the record for having the most conference championship games of any other football team in the National Football League. The record of winning four Super Bowls in six seasons is still a record that any other team must break in the NFL. But here’s the deciding factor: This franchise has been owned by the Rooney family since its inception and continues to be so.

Whether it’s Heinz Field, where the team is currently playing, or Three Rivers Stadium, or Pitt or Forbes Field, this team is a powerful team and definitely the team everyone wants to attack and beat. However, this will not be so easy. They have already made their mark. If you need a good example or role model, this is the place!

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