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Monday, as you know, is the start of the week for almost all workers in many countries. You have two days off and your soul is at peace. Now, once again, you have to get back to the routine. When you were at school, you would have been elated when it was Friday and dreaded the way the clock ticked to go back to school on Monday.

Of the seven colors, blue is one color. But as science grew, various factors began to be associated with colors, such as emotions, attitudes, memories, etc.

The question here is whether you are satisfied with the job, the relationship with your classmates or teachers at school, etc.

Monday Blues can be described as the set of negative emotions that many experience on the first day of the work or school week if they are dissatisfied. Emotions can range from tiredness, depression and feelings to ending the day with the notion that the work or school environment is not pleasant but they cannot avoid the absence.

The concept of Monday Blues was not considered fifty decades ago. But in recent times, it is widely recognized. They should be taken as a warning sign that all is not well at school or work. If you are very energetic, excitement and energy flow in your body on Monday, you will not suffer from fatigue or depression during the following week.

Experts specify that you can be more successful in the field you love. On Monday morning, you will be brimming with energy while doing what you love. At the same time, being unappreciated or dissatisfied with evaluations can affect your performance and can seem like another painful start to an unwanted job. These factors can be called the Monday Blues.

Your disregard for Monday can have a disastrous effect on your job performance. Some of the symptoms are lower productivity, lack of motivation factors and the learning curve is very slow.

Motivation experts say: “A bad mood or unwanted stress can have disastrous consequences on the entire work environment.” When one member of the team is not happy, all the other members will have a hard time staying happy, and as the proverb goes, if one finger is oiled, oil the others.”

How to Beat the Devils of Monday Blues

Identify the challenges

The first step is to analyze what is wrong? If you find it difficult to go to the office every day, then it is a factor that you should not laugh at or just bow your head to live inside. These are the symptoms that show that you are unhappy at work. It would be better and beneficial if you can solve the challenge or move on to the next job.

environment or work

You don’t want to go to work because a coworker doesn’t get along with you or you’re doing the same job without learning anything, or you don’t feel challenged anymore. It is better to clarify the nature of the challenge and try to improve.

Prepare Friday for Monday: Escaping the Monday Blues

Since Monday is the first day of the week, it can be more stressful. So complete the hard tasks on Friday so you can take a breather. Don’t leave unpleasant tasks for Monday. Also complete the work in advance. Don’t leave work to customers so they have to make a call on the weekends.

make a schedule

Make a list of the work you want to complete and compete for the next week. If you can’t enumerate, then you need to relax and analyze the pattern of work.

Relax and come back rejuvenated

It is mandatory to go to bed a little early on Sunday night and get enough sleep. If you stay up late at night, naturally, you won’t want to get up when the alarm does its job.

dress appropriately

Your dress should reflect a positive mood. On Monday wear your favorite dress. A good supplement can do wonders throughout the week. For a happy life, a feeling of gratitude is necessary. Always treat both seniors and minors with respect. Gratitude can break the ice in many situations.

Keep the schedule light

Having less work on Monday is a good contributor to productivity. The proverb has consolation “Great challenges will solve themselves.”

have fun

All work and no play make Jack a boring boy.

This proverb is not only for children, but also for adults. If you focus only on work, you’ll feel more tired, and over time, productivity will plummet. Share jokes with coworkers or go to the movies as a family.

The factors mentioned above are just some of the ways you can beat Monday Blues. If you are facing challenges at work, talk to your spouse, family members, or close friends. They can give you the best solution or it can be, refer you to another person who can identify the problem and give you the answer that can change your life forever.

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