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Heart disease is a name given to a variety of conditions that affect how the heart works. There are certain disturbances in the action of the heart without any disease in the organ. The most common of these is palpitation. This can be due to emotional states, such as fear, anger, joy, grief, or anxiety; or to certain drugs or poisons such as those found in tea, coffee, tobacco, or alcoholic beverages.

As heart failure approaches, the real symptoms of heart disease appear. Difficulty breathing on mild exertion is one of the first symptoms. Anguish and satiety after eating are very common. Other early symptoms are weakness and lack of stamina, particularly in the legs; heart palpitations with fullness in the chest and dry cough; dull ache and aching in the region of the liver and also over the heart. Ankle swelling may be one of the first symptoms noticed. It is usually worse at night and disappears during sleep. The weakness increases until the patient is completely exhausted at the slightest effort. He is restless and sleepless.

All people with acute heart disease of any kind should be under the daily care of a doctor and all people with chronic heart disease should be seen frequently by a doctor. A common misconception about the heart is that once it is affected, there is permanent impairment, with chronic disability and premature death. Could not be farther from the truth. Roughheart often makes an excellent recovery over time. Rest, both physical and mental, is a valuable remedy. The patient should choose foods that do not cause gas or indigestion, and guard against emotional outbursts, especially anger.

1. Types of Heart Diseases.

Important examples of heart disease include:

Yo. Angina, in which there is poor blood circulation to the heart.

ii. Heart attack, in which part of the heart muscle dies.

iii. Arrhythmia, in which the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat is abnormal.

IV. Atherosclerosis, in which the arteries harden. It is a buildup of cholesterol and other fatty substances within the walls of the arteries. Atherosclerosis is a progressive disease and can develop in any artery in the body. It is a common disorder of the arteries.

v. Rheumatic, this was once one of the most serious forms of heart disease of childhood and adolescence. This disease involves damage to the entire heart and its membranes. It is a complication of rheumatic fever and usually occurs after rheumatic fever attacks. The incidence of this condition has been greatly reduced by the widespread use of antibiotics effective against the streptococcal bacteria that cause rheumatic fever.

saw. Myocarditis is inflammation or degeneration of the heart muscle. This may be due to a complication during or after various viral, bacterial, or parasitic infectious diseases, such as polio, influenza, rubella, or rheumatic fever. This can be caused by various diseases such as syphilis, goiter, endocarditis or hypertension. It may be associated with dilation (enlargement due to weakness of the heart muscle) or with hypertrophy (excessive growth of muscle tissue).

2. Know the signs of a heart attack.

During a heart attack, men often have these symptoms:

Yo. Pain or discomfort in the center of the chest.

ii. Pain or discomfort in other areas of the upper body, including the arms, back, neck, jaw, or stomach.

iii. Other symptoms, such as shortness of breath that turns into a cold sweat, nausea, or dizziness.

3. The basics of stroke.

Stroke is the third leading cause of death among men. A stroke occurs when a part of the brain doesn’t get the blood it needs. Then the brain cells die.

There are two types of stroke.

Yo. An ischemic stroke (iss-kee-mik). This happens when blood is prevented from reaching the brain.

ii. A hemorrhagic stroke (heh-muh-ra-jik). This happens when a blood vessel in the brain bursts and blood bleeds into the brain.

A person could also have a “mini stroke.” This happens when, for a short period of time, less blood than normal reaches the brain. You may have some signs of a full-blown stroke, or you may not notice any signs at all. But it only lasts a few minutes up to 24 hours. Then you go back to normal. Many people don’t even know they’ve had it. However, a “mini-stroke” is a sign of a full stroke to come, so it’s important to know the signs of a stroke.

4. Know the signs of a stroke.

The signs of a stroke happen suddenly and are different from the signs of a heart attack. Look for these signs:

Yo. Weakness or numbness on one side of your body.

ii. Dizziness

iii. loss of balance

IV. Confusion

v. Problems speaking or understanding speech

saw. A headache

vii. Nausea

viii. Trouble walking or seeing.

Remember: Even if you have a “minor stroke,” you may still have some of these symptoms.

5. 12 steps to a healthy heart;

Yo. Don’t smoke: It’s no surprise that smoking hurts your heart. So if you smoke, try to quit.

ii. Get a cholesterol test: If it’s high (over 200), talk to your doctor or nurse about losing weight (if you’re overweight) and being more active. Ask if there is any medicine that can help.

iii. Know your blood pressure: Your heart moves blood through your body. If it is hard for your heart to do this, your heart will work harder and your blood pressure will go up. Get it checked out to make sure you’re on the right track! It’s high (systolic over 139 and diastolic over 89), talk to your doctor or nurse about how to lower it.

IV. Get tested for diabetes: Diabetes can increase your chances of getting heart disease. If you have diabetes, keep your blood sugar levels under control! This is the best way to take care of yourself and your heart.

v. Eat heart-healthy foods: whole foods, vegetables, and fruits. Choose lean meats and low-fat cheese and dairy products. Limit foods that are high in saturated fat, such as butter, whole milk, baked goods, ice cream, fatty meats, and cheese.

saw. Maintain a healthy weight: Being overweight or obese increases your risk of heart disease.

vii. Eat less salt: Choose foods with salt. Use spices, herbs, lemon and lime instead of salt. This is very important if you have high blood pressure.

viii. Don’t drink too much alcohol: Too much alcohol raises your blood pressure and can increase your risk of stroke and other problems.

ix. Get moving: Get at least 30 minutes of physical activity most days, if not every day of the week.

X. Take your medicine: If your doctor has prescribed medicine to lower your blood pressure or cholesterol, take it exactly as directed.

xi. Take steps to treat your sleep problems: If you snore loudly, have been told that you stop breathing sometimes when you sleep, and are very sleepy during the day, you may have sleep apnea. If you don’t treat it, you increase your chances of having a heart attack or stroke. Talk to your doctor or nurse about treating this problem.

xiii. Find healthy ways to cope with stress: Sometimes people cope with stress by eating, drinking too much alcohol, or smoking; all of these are ways that can damage your heart. Reduce your stress: talk with friends, be physically active, or meditate.

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