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Terrestrial hermit crabs for pets are becoming increasingly popular with people looking for something other than your typical cat, dog, rabbit, or guinea pig. In fact, they make excellent pets, and there are several reasons for their growing popularity. So if you’re looking to join an elite group of people who keep these little creatures as pets, read on as you might find this interesting!

cheap to buy

These land animals are classified as exotic pets, although you certainly won’t pay exotic animal prices for one. For as little as four dollars you can have your own exotic pet. However, it’s probably best to buy more than one crab, as they are social creatures and don’t like to be left alone very much.

cheap to set up

These ground crawlers are also cheap to run because they don’t require a lot of expense in terms of their environment. All you need is a tank or an aquarium. If you start with a 10 gallon tank, that will be enough for two of the little ones. You will also need some sand, known as substrate for the crabs to burrow in. Your little crawling buddy will also appreciate having something to climb on and hide from. A piece of bark or an old pot is ideal. They will also require a selection of shells that they can call “home”. The only difficult thing when caring for your crawling crustacean pet is learning to control the temperature of the tank, as it needs to be kept between 72 and 82°F. However if you have the tank in a warm room this could be controlled naturally. If not, you will have to buy a small heater. Even so, these are not particularly expensive. To control the humidity, as it should also be between 70-80%, you can buy a natural sponge at any reputable pet store; just moisten it and place it in the tank. This should keep humidity levels high.

cheap to feed

Unlike other exotic pets, these little creatures don’t need rare food sent from the four corners of the earth to maintain their well-being. On the contrary, this type of crab is one of the least picky eaters I know of, as they are classified as foragers in the wild. The best way to feed them is a balanced diet of crab food and regular “people food.” I mean meat or fish and two vegetables, followed by a fruit dessert! His crab companion is even partial to chocolate and peanut butter (though the latter two in moderation). When you have your main meal of the day, remember to serve a small portion of the same for your new found friends. Just remember not to overdose on junk food!

Pet terrestrial hermit crabs can provide the owner with fun on many levels. Since they are social creatures, they will interact with you when they know and trust you. Its longevity, if properly cared for, can be up to 15 years! This means that you are buying a companion that will last. They really don’t require a lot of care and don’t take up a lot of space, making them the perfect tracking companion for today’s busy family.

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